Application Process for Nominal Support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan or the Embassy of Japan in Greece


[Note] Please note that below was revised as of December 1, 2020.

Any organization planning a project and seeking nominal support for it from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA), should read the following and file an application by mail with the required documents (The same applies to an application sent to a Japanese diplomatic mission abroad.).

[Note] Applications by individuals will not be accepted.

Please note that nominal support may not be granted depending on the details of the project.

1 Period for Application Acceptance

Please file the application no later than one and a half months prior to the date on which you wish to begin using nominal support (including the date on which you will initiate public relations activities with regard to the project on your website, etc. or by printing leaflets, etc.). Last-minute applications or applications lacking sufficient documentation may not be accepted.

[Note 1] MOFA permits the use of its name on leaflets and websites, etc. only after notice of the granting of nominal support has been issued. No statement such as “Nominal Support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (planned) / (pending)” may be used until notice is issued.

[Note 2] Applications should be filed before the project for which you wish to use nominal support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan is held.

2 Required Documents

Applicants for nominal support should prepare documents (1) to (5) below. Following documents, (1) and (2), must be prepared in the prescribed format.

Please note that the submission of other documents may be required as deemed necessary.

(1) Application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan for Nominal Support and Pledge (Word)Word

Notes for completing the form

  • Prepare the application form after expressing agreement to “4. Matters to be observed,” as indicated in the attached form (no changes to these matters will be approved).
  • When preparing the form for submission to a Japanese diplomatic mission abroad, change the address to that of the relevant embassy or general consulate and the addressee to the relevant ambassador or consul general.
  • The name of the representative must be that of the representative of the organization hosting the project (or applying organization), not the person responsible for the project. An official seal (the organization’s seal) is not necessary.
  • In, “3. Nominal support, etc. sought,” in the attached form, enter specifically what you are applying for, e.g., “Nominal support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.”

(2) Outline of the Project (Word)Word

Notes for completing the form

  • Fill in all required items.
  • In, “8. Date from which you wish to use nominal support,” in the attached form, write the date on which you wish to begin using nominal support (including the date on which you will initiate public relations activities with regard to the project on your website, etc. or by printing leaflets, etc.). No general statement, e.g., “from the date on which nominal support is granted,” will be accepted.
  • “Previous nominal support number,” in, “10. Nominal support application history regarding this project,” is stated above the date of nominal support in the notice which was issued previously. Previous nominal support numbers are not assigned to applications filed by diplomatic corps in Japan or international organizations.

(3) Budget for the Project (Excel)Excel

Notes for completing the form

  • Any format will suffice. Please read the example if you are unsure how to prepare the form.
  • Where the project is sponsored by multiple entities, enter their names and provide details of the sponsorship by each entity in this form or on a separate sheet.

(4) Documents Outlining the Project

  • (i) Documents outlining the project, e.g. the project proposal, list of work to be presented (in case of an exhibition, etc.), details of the work (in case of a film or theatrical play, etc.), programs, backgrounds of participants or lecturers, application guidelines (in the case of an exhibition of work by participants or a contest) (at least one of the above is required for applications for all projects)
  • (ii) In case of a project in which food will be served, a document showing that proper public health measures have been taken, and in case of a sports-related project, a document showing that proper accident prevention, medical, and compensation measures (such as insurance) have been put in place

(5) Documents Outlining the Organization Hosting the Project and the Applying Organization, etc.

  • (i) List of officers (Please submit a list that includes the organization and the place of work that you normally belong to and the title of activity, or attached document that indicates your background.)
  • (ii) Articles of incorporation, constitution, articles of association, act of endowment or other documents equivalent thereto
  • (iii) History, business performance, activity details, etc. of the organization, etc.
  • (iv) When the organization hosting the project and the applying organization are different, a document showing their relationship (written contract, etc.)
    [Note] If documents similar to any of (i) to (iv) above are unavailable, such documents must be prepared.

The documents listed in (ii) and (iii) above will not be required for any project for which MOFA granted nominal support within the last two years. However, if any changes in the details of the project have occurred since the previous application, the relevant documents need to be submitted.
Regarding government offices, diplomatic corps in Japan, consular offices, international organizations, local governments, and incorporated administrative agencies under the jurisdiction of MOFA, (i), (ii), and (iii) are not necessary to submit.

3 Cases in which Nominal Support Will Not Be Granted

  • A project offensive to public order or public morality, etc.
  • A project for profit-making purposes or a project not pursued in the public interest, etc.
  • A project carried out by a political or religious organization or any equivalent organization, etc.
  • A highly political or religious project, etc.
  • A project that may promote the interests of a specific organization, etc.
  • A project to be hosted by an organization of dubious competence in project management, etc.
  • A project that is not expected to facilitate the promotion of Japan or a foreign country or to promote international friendship or contribute to Japan's diplomacy, etc.
  • A project that is not expected to promote friendship between Japan and other countries, etc.
  • A project that violates or may violate any law or regulation of the venue of the project, etc.
  • An application filed by a hosting organization or applying organization that is found to have failed to observe matters said hosting organization or applying organization has pledged to MOFA to observe during the previous five years (see item 4. of the Application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan for Nominal Support and Pledge)
  • An application filed by an organization or for a project, regarding which illegal use of nominal support or a false application has been found within the last five years, etc.
  • Any other project found to be diplomatically inappropriate, etc.

4 Report on the Completion of the Project

Attach the following documents and submit a report within two months after the expiration of the project period. If a project report is not submitted, nominal support may not be granted to the relevant organization, etc. even if it files another application in the future.

[Note] Where it is impossible to submit a final project report within three months due to the nature of the relevant project, etc., it is necessary to submit an interim report containing the reason for such impossibility. You are required to submit a final project report when it becomes possible.

  • (1) Prescribed project report (MS Word)Word
  • (2) Statement of accounts for the project (any format)
  • (3) Documents, etc. showing how the project was carried out
  • (4) Leaflets, posters, etc. generated using MOFA’s nominal support (if you used nominal support to generate your website, etc., submit either printed or scanned copies of the relevant webpages)

5 Addresses for Filing Applications and Inquiries

(1) Applications to be forwarded to MOFA (for projects in Japan)

If you know the responsible office, as in the case of a continuing project, you may submit the required documents directly to the relevant office. For projects for which an application is being filed for the first time or where you do not know the responsible office, please send the documents by mail or e-mail to the following address.

Address for filing applications:
2-2-1 Kasumigaseki,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

E-mail address for applications or reports
[Note] This e-mail address is only available for applications and reports. Please refrain from sending e-mails for different purposes.

Notes for sending e-mail

  • Please attach as small number of documents as possible though same measures such as converting all documents in to single PDF file (Order of documents: (1) Application and Pledge, (2) Outline of the Project, (3) Income and Expenditure Budget, (4) Documents outlining the Project, (5) List of Officers, (6) Articles of Incorporation, (7) Business Performance and History, etc.)
  • Please send documents separately if the size of the file which includes all documents is bigger than 10 MB
  • Please name the subject of the e-mail either “Application: PROJECT NAME” or “Report: PROJECT NAME”(the project name may be omitted if it is too long)

Address for filing inquiries:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister’s Secretariat
Nominal Support Unit, General Affairs Division
TEL: 03-3580-3311 (extension: 2100)
From 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
[Note] Inquiries about applications forwarded to diplomatic missions abroad will not be accepted.

(2) Applications to the Embassy of Japan in Greece

If you would like to request nominal support by the Embassy of Japan in Greece for cultural or other events organized by your organization, please send the documents by mail or e-mail to the following address.

Address for filing applications:
Embassy of Japan in Greece- Cultural Section
46, Ethnikis Antistaseos street
15231, Halandri
Athens, Greece 

E-mail address for applications or reports

[Note] The Embassy is in no way obliged to answer inquiries about the outcome of the application and will only inform applicants whose application is accepted, within a reasonable time and if it is considered necessary.