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       4ος Διαγωνισμός Ποίησης Haiku Ιαπωνίας-Ε.Ε. στην Αγγλική Γλώσσα

Fifth Japan-EU English Haiku Contest
- Winners will be invited to Matsuyama City -

(Guidelines for Submission)

May 2014
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
European Union

■ Introduction

Mr Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, is a haiku poet who has published his own books of haiku poetry. To advance “People-to-people and cultural exchanges”, a common Japan-EU goal, the Japan-EU English Haiku Contest has been held four times previously. The fourth contest was held last year under the theme of “Rainbow,” and 710 haiku poets participated in the competition.

This year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the European Union are pleased to host the Fifth Japan-EU English Haiku Contest and call on contestants to share their haiku under the theme of “Wonderful Encounter”, hoping this contest will also deepen the relationship between Japan and the EU at the grass-root level.

■ Organizers: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA), Delegation of the European Union to Japan

■ Sponsor: Matsuyama City (Ehime Prefecture, Japan)

■ Theme: Wonderful Encounter

■ Rules of entry: Only one English haiku, previously unpublished, may be submitted per applicant. Please refer to some aspect of the theme “Wonderful Encounter,” and compose one with a view of Japan-EU relations. Please also include sense of seasons in the haiku. Since haiku is considered to be the shortest poem in the world, three-line haiku is desirable.

■ Eligibility for participation: The contest is open to the nationals of the EU member states and Japan who are currently residing in the EU or Japan. This is available to all ages.

■ Submission: Please fill out the the entry form and submit it by email to: japaneuhaiku-contest@mofa.go.jp

  *Please note that English haiku submitted in the Haiku Post in the Delegation of Japan to the European Union in Brussels will not be considered as entry for this contest.

■ Deadline: 27th June 2014 (2:00 AM, Brussels time)

■ Judges: Official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

         Official from the Delegation of the European Union to Japan

         Haiku specialists

■ FACEBOOK Fan Page  www.facebook.com/haikucontest

  We have set up a Fan Page for the Contest on Facebook. Randomly selected haiku will be uploaded to the Facebook Fan Page. Those registered on Facebook can communicate with applicants from Japan and the EU. (Please refer to www.facebook.com for details about the method of registration and utilization of Facebook.)

■ Awards: One winner each from the EU and Japan will be announced in due course. MOFA and the Delegation of the EU to Japan will offer the winner from the EU and Japan a round-trip to Matsuyama City, the birthplace of modern Haiku in Japan.

 *The contest winners will be notified by e-mail and be given further details of the prize. Please note that related expenses covered by the organizers have certain limitation.

■ Contact: To make an inquiry, please contact us by email.

  European Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (japaneuhaiku-contest@mofa.go.jp)
   Διαγωνισμός Ποίησης Haiku Ιαπωνίας-Ε.Ε. στην Αγγλική Γλώσσα  
 Αρχική σελίδα Κορυφή Σελίδας 




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